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Software downloads

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Android application for F407-F607

We have an Android application available for the F407 and F607 power and harmonics clamps

F407 - F607 Android application  
We have an Android application available for the F407 and F607 power and harmonics clamps 

A remote screen and keyboard from the clamp can then be displayed on your smartphone or tablet.
You can then:

- view the measurements in real time,
- recover the files of recordings stored in the memory,
- export them in ICP, Excel or CSV format,
- view the trend curves on the screen.

We have added new function to the clamps:
- recording of several parameters simultaneously in real time (AC and DC, etc.),
- real-time viewing of all the harmonics at the same time.

To download the application, click on the link below and refer to the "read-me first.txt" file included.

This application is compatible with
- Firmware >or= V2.06
- Android >or= V4.1 Updated : Mar 2019 Language : Multilingual Version : V1.8.6